Get Involved

Since the founding of the United States, more than 1,304,704 brave service members (according to O'Neill) have sacrificed their lives to protect our great nation. Help us keep these Heroe’s names alive.

The mission of Heroes Live On is to ensure that people remember and honor these courageous Heroes and realize the cost of our freedom. To achieve this, we create small mementos with the Hero's relevant information for people to see or carry as a reminder. We do random acts of kindness such as providing home-cooked meals, offering comfort, providing quilts, blankets, toiletries, etc., in the name of one of our Heroes. Some of us also participate in various Survivor Events that’ Events that focus on the families of Heroes.

We collaborate with organizations such as MMIA, The Joel Fund, All Veteran Group, US Veterans Corps, AmVets, American Legion, American Gold Star Mothers, Suicide Prevention, Old North State Catering, Project Frontline, and many others who serve our military and their families. We always need more volunteers, so please consider signing up to help. If you cannot attend in person, you can still contribute by donating any amount.

If you have a question or would like more information, please use this form, and someone will get back to you.